Sugar Free September

Last year, when I was on an anti-candida regime, I was scouring the inventories and shelves of online and offline health food stores for sugar-free, gluten-free muesli options. I was about ready to give up, as the mueslis that claimed to be "sugar-free" still had alternative sweeteners or codenames for sugar in their ingredients lists. Then I came across "The Muesli" - a truly sugar-free muesli that offered a gluten-free formula too! I immediately ordered some and was supremely impressed by its premium quality taste, especially at affordable pricing. 

I was so stoked with the product that I got in contact with the head office and invited myself over for a visit to The Muesli headquarters in Port Melbourne, Victoria.  


Heather and Kate (pictured above) answered all my questions about their amazing products and I was blown away by the ethos behind their company. They truly are passionate about providing a healthy breakfast option and are sticklers for detail when it comes to ingredients lists. In fact, they created a handy little concept called "The 1 Line Rule", which encourages consumers to check the sugar content of the products they purchase by checking the sugar line on nutrition panels - if it contains more than 5% (5g/100g), put it back on the shelf! I wanted to give them each a big squeeze as I've been using this rule myself for many years!!

A few years ago, The Muesli also created "Sugar Free September" - a fun, effective way to get people on the path to healthier living by cutting out as much excess sugar as possible for the month of September. It's a fantastic challenge, and one that can be supported by their great sugar-free muesli! 


The Muesli offers "classic" and "gluten-free" muesli mixes in single serve sachets as well as full packs of 13 serves - I can vouch that even for a big eater like myself, their single serves are surprisingly filling. All those nuts and seeds make all the difference! 


They also offer serving suggestions and often feature recipe ideas on their Facebook and Instagram feeds. I've developed an obsession with eating mine with avocado. It's actually become my favourite way to eat muesli! But if you're not a fan, fresh fruit works a treat too (especially berries...mmmmm). 


Disclaimer: This is not a paid post. I received free products when I visited The Muesli's head office, but this was after I had already purchased their products and raved about them all over social media of my own accord, not at their request. 


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